Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pencil Case By Jeans

Assalamualaikum. Hi~

          Dalam tengah takde buat apa harini, tiba-tiba teringat sebelum ni pernah tengok tutorial kat youtube tentang diy pencil case. Dan, terasa nak mencuba buat something new beside felt sebab dah bosan sikit jahit felt ni,  Hehe~

Style 1

           Yang ni first attempt. Jahit pakai benang tebal (taktahu nama dia). Comel je saiz dia 19x8cm je.

Style 2

          Pastu nak try buat besar sikit, ingat nak buat pencil case juga. Tapi, gunting-gunting terpendek pulak tempat zip dia. So, buat letak benda lain. Haha. Start second attempt pakai gam UHU je sebab lagi senang. Yang ni 16x10cm.

Style 3

          Ni favorite, third attempt. Buat zip kat tengah, bagi highlight kat zip kaler pink tu, Pakai gam UHU jugak. nampak lagi kemas. Hehe. Yang ni 21x9cm

          So, kalau korang nak buat macam yang kat atas ni, tengok je tutorial kat youtube, senang je. Nak jahit boleh, kalau malas, pakai gam UHU je. 

          Material dia, pakai felt pun boleh, pakai kain jenis PVC ke, kain cotton biasa ke, pakai jeans yang dah tak pakai macam kat atas ni pun boleh. :)

          Selamat mencuba! Thanks sudi baca, Hehe. Bubye~

Tuesday, September 13, 2016



Just a short update

          It's a fox! Maryam order 2 ekor. Dia bagi gambar ktat google as an example and ask me to do it. Actually, tak pernah lagi buat keychain macam ni, sebab difficulties dia up sikit. Tapi dah request, sis cuba. Hehe~

          So, keychain fox ni saiz lebih kurang tapak tangan je. tapak tangan sis la. Bukan tapak tangan lelaki yang agak besar berbanding tapak tangan girls kan. Huhu. So, the price sis letak RM8 each.

          Okay dah bungkus! So that dia tak berhabuk before arrive kat tangan customer. Btw, thanks Maryam :)

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Sedih nya!



Baru perasan yang post tahun-tahun lepas gambar dah hilang! Tak tahu camane nak recover balik and nak delete post pun sayang. :(

Sorry for those yang nak tengok gambar-gambar yang lepas but tak berkesempatan, boleh contact sis eh, nanti sis bagi gambar dulu-dulu. Or just stalk je ig sis kat comel_gila :)

Thanks for those who support. Love You all~

Monday, August 8, 2016

Open Order

Hi Assalamualaikum.

          So, it's been a while since this blog is updated. Seriously I really wanted to be an active business craft's girl but I had no free time and I'm soo so so sorry. :(

But, I decided to open back my business for a while (just for a month), and if anyone interested in my crafts, please don't shy shy cat to call/whatsapp me.

As for the picture above is name key chain I made for my best friend for her birthday and she liked it very much, thank you, Nora. :)

And oh, I have a bundle of Burung Hantu keychain, a readymade one, if anyone interested, do whatsapp me for the picture. bye!